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Creating Custom Destination IP Category

The Discovered Applications page lists the domain names and the IP subnets of the discovered enterprise applications. You can use the IP subnets to create or update a custom destination IP category for applying protections.

This section provides instructions for creating a new custom destination IP category using the discovered IP subnet. Creating the IP category allows administrators to easily apply network layer access control policies.

Steps for creating a custom destination IP category using the IP subnets of the discovered enterprise application:

  1. On the Discovered Applications page, select the IP address of the enterprise application (click on the row), the row is highlighted. Note: You can also select multiple IP subnet rows at a time and create a single custom category.

  2. Click the Categorize icon.

  3. Select Create a new category.
  4. In the Category Management page, enter a Category Name.
  5. Category Type - from the prompt, select a category type. Example: Destination IP.
  6. Category Values - Configure a range for the Network.
    Enter IP addresses, subnet masks, or IP ranges on separate lines. Click Save.

    Make sure to provide all the networks that are connected to the enterprise applications. The IP or subnets should include a private DNS server IP address.


    Avoid spaces between the lines.