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Configuring Alerts and Notifications for ZTNA Tunnel Status Changes

By default, alert notifications are sent to administrators and selected recipients whenever there is a change in the Secure Private Access (ZTNA) tunnel status. The default alert is added automatically.

If required, you can change the default alert configuration or add a new alert from the Management Console (Monitor > Activity Alerts).

For instructions on how to configure alerts and notifications for ZTNA tunnel status changes, refer to Creating and managing notifications and alerts.

You can include these variables in the notification templates for the Secure Private Access (ZTNA) connector alerts.

Variable Description
StartTime Time at which the ZTNA tunnel connectivity status changed
Node Name The name given to the node when it was installed.
Tenant Id The tenant ID
IP The IP address of the node when it was last connected to the Management Server.

Indicates the current activity state of the node.

  • Active --The node is assigned to an environment and has the latest configuration.
  • Outdated -- The node is assigned to an environment, but the configuration it is using does not reflect the latest values in the Management Server. You can update the node from the Management Console. See Upgrading the Node Server from the Management Console.
  • Inactive -- The node is not assigned to any environment.

The condition of the node and its services. For example:

  • OK -- All services are running.
  • Starting -- One or more services is starting.
  • Stopped -- One or more services has stopped.
  • Disconnected -- The agent is disconnected from the Management Server.
  • Never seen -- The node has never connected to the Management Server. You can keep the node if it will be used in the future or delete it if it is no longer needed.

The value shown reflects the lowest health state of any service for that node. For example, if two services are running but one is stopped, the health status is shown as Stopped.

Environment The environment to which the node is assigned. Every node needs to be associated with an environment.
Node Version The current version of the node.
CPU The CPU usage for the node, by percentage.
Memory The memory usage for the node, by percentage.
ZTNA Tunnel ZTNA IPsec tunnel status