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Method 1: Install Latest Connector Version Using Debian Package

If you have already installed any connector on your machine using a Tar package, stop the Node Server services and delete the ciphercloud directory located under the opt directory before starting this procedure.

  1. From the Management Console, select Administration > System Settings > Downloads.
  2. Click the download icon for the On-premise Connector - Debian package.

  3. Copy the downloaded Debian package to the Node Server on which you want to install.
  4. Sign in to the Node server.
  5. Run the following command to start the installation in the Linux instance:
    [ubuntu@localhost home]# sudo apt install

    Where <version > is the current DEB file version in the Management Console. Make sure you are connected to the Internet while performing this installation.

  6. Click Yes when prompted to save the IPv4 and IPv6 rules.
  7. Run the following command to change to the directory in which to install the connector.
    cd /opt/ciphercloud/node-server
  8. Run the following command to configure the installation options.

    System response:

    Initializing node-server install script. Please wait..
  9. Respond to the system prompts as follows:
    Please enter Management Server endpoint
    1. Enter the default option shown or enter the URL for this installation.
      Management Server endpoint: <Node Management endpoint URL>
    2. Enter the unique ID for this tenant.
      Input Tenant Id: <tenant name>
    3. Enter the unique name for the Node Server.
      Input Node Server Unique Name: <node_name>
    4. Enter the API token (click the API Token button in the Configuration tab)
      Input Node Server Token: <Node API token>
      Once Node server installation is done. Start node server using ‘sudo service node-server start’.
    5. Select Y to install with upstream proxy and enter the upstream proxy details.
      If you do not want to use the upstream proxy, specify N and press Enter. Does upstream proxy exist? [y/n]: y
      Input Host Name of upstream proxy server: Input port number of upstream proxy server: 3128
    6. Enter the username and password if you want to enable the upstream proxy with authorization.
      Otherwise, press Enter.
      Input upstream proxy authorization - user name (Press enter key if no authorization required): test
      Input upstream proxy authorization - password: test@12763
  10. Run the following command to start the Node Server:
    sudo service node-server start