Lookout Product Documentation

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Modify Assessment Details

You can modify existing assessments to update their basic information and rule configurations. To do so, click the pencil icon under the Actions column for the assessment you want to modify.

The information is displayed in two tabs:

  • Basic Details
  • Compliance Rules

    Basic Details Tab

    In this tab, you can edit the name, description, cloud account, filtering and tagging information, templates used, and frequency.

    Click Update to save the changes.

    Compliance Rules Tab

    In the Compliance Rules tab, you can view rule details, add or delete comments, and change enablement status, weight, and actions. The next time the assessment is run, these changes will be reflected in the updated assessment. For example, if the weight of one or more rules is changed, the count of passed or failed resources could change. If you disable a rule, it will not be included in the updated assessment.

    Click Update to save the changes.