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Quick Reference: Supported File Types

Secure Cloud Access supports the following file types. To identify file types for any formats not listed here, contact Support (esupport@lookout.com).

File type Description
Ami Ami Pro
Ansi Ansi text file
Ascii Ascii (DOS) text file
ASF ASF file
AVI AVI file
Binary Binary file (unrecognized format)
BMP BMP image file
CAB CAB archive
Cals CALS metadata format described in MIL-STD-1840C
CompoundDoc OLE Compound Document (or "DocFile")
ContentAsXml Output format for FileConverter that organizes document content, metadata, and attachments into a standard XML format
CSV Comma-separated values file
CsvAsDocument CSV file parsed as a single file listing all records
CsvAsReport CSV file parsed as report (like a spreadsheet) instead of a database
DatabaseRecord Record in a database file (such as XBase or Access)
DatabaseRecord2 Database record (rendered as HTML)
DBF XBase database file
DocFile Compound document (new parser)
dtSearchIndex dtSearch index file
ElfExecutable ELF format executable
EMF Windows Metafile Format (Win32)
EML Mime stream handled as a single document
EudoraMessage Message in a Eudora message store
Excel12 Excel 2007 and newer
Excel12xlsb Excel 2007 XLSB format
Excel2 Excel Version 2
Excel2003Xml Microsoft Excel 2003 XML format
Excel3 Excel version 3
Excel4 Excel version 4
Excel5 Excel versions 5 and 7
Excel97 Excel 97, 2000, XP, or 2003
FilteredBinary Filtered binary file
FilteredBinaryUnicode Binary file filtered using Unicode Filtering
FilteredBinaryUnicodeStream Binary file filtered using Unicode Filtering, not split into segments
FlashSWF Flash SWF
GIF GIF image file
Gzip Archive compressed with gzip
HtmlHelp HTML Help CHM file
ICalendar ICalendar (*.ics) file
Ichitaro Ichitaro word processor file (versions 8 through 2011)
Ichitaro5 Ichitaro versions 5, 6, 7
IFilter File type processed using installed IFilter
iWork2009 IWork 2009
iWork2009Keynote IWork 2009 Keynote presentation
iWork2009Numbers IWork 2009 Numbers spreadsheet
iWork2009Pages IWork 2009 Pages document
JpegXR Windows Media Photo/HDPhoto/*.wdp
Lotus123 Lotus 123 spreadsheet
M4A M4A file
MBoxArchive Email archive conforming to the MBOX standard (dtSearch versions 7.50 and earlier)
MBoxArchive2 Email archive conforming to the MBOX standard (dtSearch versions 7.51 and later)
MDI MDI image file
Media Music or video file
MicrosoftAccess Microsoft Access database
MicrosoftAccess2 Microsoft Access (parsed directly, not via ODBC or the Jet Engine)
MicrosoftAccessAsDocument Access database parsed as a single file listing all records
MicrosoftOfficeThemeData Microsoft Office .thmx file with theme data
MicrosoftPublisher Microsoft Publisher file
MicrosoftWord Microsoft Word 95 - 2003 (dtSearch versions 6.5 and later)
MifFile FrameMaker MIF file
MimeContainer MIME-encoded message, processed as a container
MimeMessage dtSearch 6.40 and earlier file parser for .eml files
MP3 MP3 file
MP4 MP4 file
MS_Works Microsoft Works word processor
MsWorksWps4 Microsoft Works WPS versions 4 and 5
MsWorksWps6 Microsoft Works WPS versions 6, 7, 8, and 9
Multimate Multimate (any version)

File indexed with all content ignored (see


NonTextData Data file with no text to index
OleDataMso oledata.mso file
OneNote2003 not supported
OneNote2007 OneNote 2007
OneNote2010 OneNote 2010, 2013, and 2016
OneNoteOnline OneNote variant generated by Microsoft online services

OpenOffice versions 1, 2, and 3 documents, spreadsheets, and presentations (*.sxc, *.sxd, *.sxi, *.sxw, *.sxg, *.stc, *.sti, *.stw,

*.stm, *.odt, *.ott, *.odg, *.otg, *.odp, *.otp, *.ods, *.ots, *.odf) (includes OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications)

OutlookExpressMessage Message in an Outlook Express message store
OutlookExpressMessageStore Outlook Express dbx archive (versions 7.67 and earlier)
OutlookExpressMessageStore2 Outlook Express dbx archive
OutlookMsgAsContainer Outlook .MSG file processed as a container
OutlookMsgFile Microsoft Outlook .MSG file
OutlookPst Outlook PST message store
PdfWithAttachments PDF file with attachments
PfsProfessionalWrite PFS Professional Write file
PhotoshopImage Photoshop Image (*.psd)
PNG PNG image file
PowerPoint PowerPoint 97-2003
PowerPoint12 PowerPoint 2007 and newer
PowerPoint3 PowerPoint 3
PowerPoint4 PowerPoint 4
PowerPoint95 PowerPoint 95
Properties PropertySet stream in a Compound Document
QuattroPro Quattro Pro 9 and newer
QuattroPro8 Quattro Pro 8 and older
QuickTime QuickTime file
RAR RAR archive
RTF Microsoft Rich Text Format
SASF SASF call center audio file
SegmentedText Text segmented using File Segmentation Rules
SingleByteText Single-byte text, encoding automatically detected
SolidWorks SolidWorks file
TAR TAR archive
TNEF Transport-neutral encapsulation format
TreepadHjtFile TreePad file (HJT format in TreePad 6 and earlier)
TrueTypeFont TrueType TTF file

Output format only, for generating a synopsis that is

HTML-encoded but that does not include formatting such as font settings, paragraph breaks, etc.

Unicode UCS-16 text
Unigraphics Unigraphics file (docfile format)
Unigraphics2 Unigraphics file (#UGC format)
Utf8 UTF-8 text
Visio Visio file
Visio2013 Visio 2013 document
VisioXml Visio XML file
WAV WAV sound file
WindowsExecutable Windows .exe or .dll
WinWrite Windows Write
WMF Windows Metafile Format (Win16)
Word12 Word 2007 and newer
Word2003Xml Microsoft Word 2003 XML format
WordForDos Word for DOS (same as Windows Write, it_WinWrite)
WordForWin6 Microsoft Word 6.0
WordForWin97 Word For Windows 97, 2000, XP, or 2003
WordForWindows1 Word for Windows 1
WordForWindows2 Word for Windows 2
WordPerfect42 WordPerfect 4.2
WordPerfect5 WordPerfect 5
WordPerfect6 WordPerfect 6
WordPerfectEmbedded WordPerfect document embedded in another file
WordStar WordStar through version 4
WS_2000 Wordstar 2000
WS_5 WordStar version 5 or 6
WordList List of words in UTF-8 format, with the word ordinal in front of each word
XBase XBase database
XBaseAsDocument XBase file parsed as a single file listing all records
XfaForm XFA form
XPS XML Paper Specification (Metro)
XyWrite XyWrite
ZIP ZIP archive
ZIP_zlib ZIP file parsed using zlib
7z 7-zip archive