Adaptive Threshold For Permitted User Activity Rates
The adaptive threshold defines a permitted rate of user activity. The configured threshold can be adjusted based on the user activity rate. Being able to configure a threshold enables you to adjust the rate of user activities as needed. If conditions permit, for example, the threshold can be modified to allow a higher rate of activity.
Adaptive threshold configuration evaluates threshold compliance and will allow events up to the defined threshold. Secure Cloud Access also checks the probability of event occurrences after the fixed threshold. If the probability is within the allowed range, the events are allowed. The default value for the variance percentage from peak probability is 50%.
You can also set a consecutive failure count (for example, three failures in a row). When the number of consecutive failures exceeds the specified count, the events are considered non-compliant. The default count is three (3) consecutive failures. It can be adjusted up to 20 or down to 1.
You can choose adaptive threshold as a context type in a policy, where these settings will be applied. This context type is available for inline policies for Upload, Download, and Delete activities. For instructions on using adaptive threshold as a policy context type, see Creating Cloud Access Control (CAC) policies.