Create New Policy for Discovered Cloud Application
- On the Discovered Clouds page, click the row for the app for which you want to create a new policy.The row is highlighted, and the Onboard and Policy icons become active.
- Click the Policy icon.
- Select Create a New Policy, choose either Unsanctioned App or App Category.
The Access Control Policy page opens in a separate browser tab.
- Enter a Policy Name (required) and a Description (optional).
- Select a Content Inspection Type.
- (Optional) To specify a time range in which the cloud application will be available, click the Time Window toggle.Then, select these options:
- The days of the week for which you want to apply a time window
- The time range for those days
- To add another time window, click the + icon, then select the days and time ranges for that time window.
To add a time range for after office hours, (for example, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 AM), you need to configure two time-window settings: the first for the hours up until midnight; the second for the hours starting at midnight and ending at the desired morning time.
- Set a time range from 7:00 PM until 0:00 (midnight).
Click the + sign to add a time range from 0:00 (midnight) until 8:00 am.
- Click Next.
- In the left menu, the app or category you chose for the new policy is checked.
- Under Context, select
- Activity type
- Context type and context
- Context exceptions (optional)
- Select policy action and secondary action.
- Review the policy information on the Summary page.To change anything, click Previous and edit as needed. Otherwise, click Confirm to save the policy.