Open and view a file
- Open the Windows client application.
From the application, select File > Open to open an encrypted file.
Encrypted files have the extension
- From the list of files, select a file and click Open.
If you are not logged in to the cloud where the file is stored, you will be prompted to authenticate.
Enter the user credentials for your cloud application and click Authorize.
Depending on the cloud application you are accessing, you will be asked to grant access permission to that cloud.
Click the button to grant access.
The cloud application authorizes you as a user.
Once the authorization is complete and the file is decrypted, you can view it. Messages appear in the tray during the decryption process.
When you are finished viewing the file and making any needed changes, save it.
The application re-encrypts the file and saves it back to your cloud. You will be notified that the modified file has been saved to your cloud.