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Configuring PII Anonymization in Management Console

You can configure the Management Console to anonymize PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on every Management Console page that displays user information. This includes the Activity Audit Logs, the Application Activities dashboard, and more.

When the anonymize feature is enabled:

  • On any Management Console page that displays users’ names or email addresses (except for the User Management page), that data will be displayed as a hashed string.
  • On any Management Console page that displays a user’s IP address, that data will be displayed as an empty string.
  • On any Management Console page that allows filtering of data by user, that option will be unavailable.
  • On any Management Console page that allows you to drill down into individual user data, that drill-down page will show an error message.

    This feature applies only to PII that is displayed in the Management Console. For information about anonymizing PII in cloud discovery logs, refer to User Privacy.