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Retrieve Parameters Required for AIP RMS Connection

  1. Open Windows PowerShell in administrator mode.
  2. Run the following command to install the AIP cmdlets. (This action will take a few minutes to complete.)
    Install-Module -Name AADRM
  3. Enter the following cmdlet to connect to the service:
  4. In response to the authentication prompt, enter your Microsoft Azure AIP sign-in credentials.

  5. Once you are authenticated, enter the following cmdlet:

    The following configuration details are displayed

    BPOSId :
    RightsManagementServiceId :
    LicensingIntranetDistributionPointUrl :
    https://5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-49bded473437.rms.na.aadrm.com/_wmcs/licensin g
    LicensingExtranetDistributionPointUrl :
    https://5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-49bded473437.rms.na.aadrm.com/_wmcs/licensin g
    CertificationIntranetDistributionPointUrl :
    https://5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-49bded473437.rms.na.aadrm.com/_wmcs/certific ation
    https://5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-49bded473437.rms.na.aadrm.com/_wmcs/certific ation
    AdminConnectionUrl : https://admin.na.aadrm.com/admin/admin.svc/Tenants/5c6bb73b-1038-4eec-863d-4 9bded473437
    AdminV2ConnectionUrl :
    OnPremiseDomainName :
    Keys : {c46b5d49-1c4c-4a79-83d1-ec12a25f3134}
    CurrentLicensorCertificateGuid :
    Templates : { c46b5d49-1c4c-4a79-83d1-ec12a25f3134, 5c6d36g9-c24e-4222-7786e-b1a8a1ecab60}
    FunctionalState : Enabled
    SuperUsersEnabled : Disabled

    SuperUsers : { admin3@contoso.com, admin4@contoso.com } AdminRoleMembers :

    {Global Administrator -> 5834f4d6-35d2-455b-a134-75d4cdc82172, ConnectorAdministrator -> 5834f4d6-35d2-455b-a134-75d4cdc82172}
    KeyRolloverCount : 0
    ProvisioningDate  : 1/30/2014 9:01:31 PM IPCv3ServiceFunctionalState   : Enabled DevicePlatformState :
    {Windows -> True, WindowsStore -> True, WindowsPhone -> True, Mac ->
    FciEnabledForConnectorAuthorization  : True DocumentTrackingFeatureState : Enabled

    From this output, you will need the highlighted items for the AIP integration connection.

  6. Run the following command to obtain the base 64 key information:
    install-module MSOnline
  7. Run the following command to connect to the service:
  8. In response to the authentication prompt, enter your Azure AIP login credentials again.

  9. Run the following command:
    Import-Module MSOnline
  10. Run the following command to obtain the key information needed for the AIP integration connection:

    The following information is displayed, which includes the key type (Symmetric) and key ID.

    cmdlet New-MsolServicePrincipal at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters:
  11. Enter a display name of your choice.
    DisplayName: Sainath-temp

    The following information is displayed. You will need the highlighted information when you create the AIP integration connection.

    The following symmetric key was created as one was not supplied qWQikkTF0D/pbTFleTDBQesDhfvRGJhX+S1TTzzUZTM=
    DisplayName : Sainath-temp
    ServicePrincipalNames : {06a86d39-b561-4c69-8849-353f02d85e66} ObjectId : edbad2f2-1c72-4553-9687-8a6988af450f AppPrincipalId : 06a86d39-b561-4c69-8849-353f02d85e66 TrustedForDelegation : False
    AccountEnabled : True
    Addresses : {}
    KeyType : Symmetric
    KeyId : 298390e9-902a-49f1-b239-f00688aa89d6
    StartDate : 7/3/2018 8:34:49 AM
    EndDate : 7/3/2019 8:34:49 AM
    Usage : Verify