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Install On-Premise Connector with Upstream Proxy

This procedure is applicable for the following agents:

  • SIEM
  • EDLP
  • Log Agent
  1. From the Management Console, select Administration > System Settings.
  2. Select Downloads from the menu.
  3. Download the current on-premise connector.
  4. Install the on-premise connector as follows.
    • For rpm:

      sudo yum install ./<package>.rpm
    • For Debian:

      sudo apt install ./<package>.deb
      CipherCloud node server has been successfully installed in /opt/ciphercloud/node-server.
      Adding [Systemd] service support Reloading Systemd daemon
      Systemd service node-server has been installed
      Please use 'sudo systemctl start node-server' to start the service manually
      Please run 'sudo /opt/ciphercloud/node-server/install.sh' to configure
      the node server before starting it for the first time.
  5. Go to the node server directory.
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /opt/ciphercloud/node-server/
  6. Run install.sh.
    [root@localhost node-server]# ./install.sh
  7. Enter the Node Manager endpoint, Tenant Id, Node Server Unique Name and Node Server Token details.
    Initializing node-server install script. Please wait..
    Please enter Node Manager endpoint [wss://nm.ciphercloud.io:443/nodeManagement]:
    Node Manager endpoint: wss://nm.qa1.ciphercloud.in:443/nodeManagement Input Tenant Id: guzzi
    Input Node Server Unique Name: NODETest
    Input Node Server Token: SKJmP/XNC/lQJBN01RlETTuJoyGcyEGAjNGxAqEZru4= grep: ": No such file or directory
  8. Select Y to install with upstream proxy and enter the upstream proxy details. If you do not want to use the upstream proxy, specify N and press Enter. Does upstream proxy exist? [y/n]: y
    Input Host Name of upstream proxy server: Input port number of upstream proxy server: 3128
  9. Enter the username and password if you want to enable the upstream proxy with authorization. Otherwise, press Enter.
    Input upstream proxy authorization - user name (Press enter key if no authorization required): test
    Input upstream proxy authorization - password: test@123 Adding new property ms.endpoint.
    Adding new property node.name. Adding new property node.token.plain. Adding new property node.nic.
    Adding new property ms.proxy.host. Adding new property ms.proxy.port. Adding new property ms.proxy.auth.user.
    Adding new property ms.proxy.auth.pwd.plain. Updating property logging.config
    Node server installation is done. Start node server using 'sudo service node-server start'.
  10. Start the Node Server.
    [root@localhost node-server]# sudo service node-server start Started [9132]